Worship is the sound dimension of earth, reflecting heaven and it’s choreography. That reminds us of the unity, when they’re both synchronized. There are different types of hearts that respond to the presence: a perfect heart, a wise heart and a ravished heart to just name a few. Be open to respond with the heart of a worshipper as you experience this teaching.
La adoración es la dimensión del sonido de la tierra, que refleja el cielo y su coreografía. Eso nos recuerda de la unidad, cuando ambos están sincronizados. Hay diferentes tipos de corazones que responden a la presencia: un corazón perfecto, un corazón sabio y un corazón cautivado por nombrar solo algunos. Esté abierto a responder con el corazón de un adorador a medida que experimenta esta enseñanza.
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Matters of the Heart (Asuntos del Cor...
One of the greatest compliments man received from God can be found in Acts 13:22. What causes God to put such high affirmation on a man? How can I have a heart after God’s heart like David? STOP! Check your pulse. What is your heart rate? Is it synchronized with God?
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