MegaWomen Show: Making Cancer Powerless
Dr. Marina McLean with special guest Sylvia Powers
MegaWomen Show: Two Blessed Hands
Dr. Marina Mclean with special guest Michelle Thompson
MegsWomen Show: Is Balance Possible
Dr. Marina McLean with special guest Sharon Hill
MegaWomen Show: Get Pumped
Dr. Marina McLean with special guest Lameca Edwards.
MegaWomen Show: How Do I Make My Creativity Profitable
Dr. Marina McLean with special guest Katrina Harvey
MegaWomen Show: Is God Present in Mainstream Media
Dr. Marina McLean with special guest Jennifer Sheehan Elsaesser
Mega Women: Creating A Community of Accountability
Dr. Marina McLean with special guest Stephanie Bauchum
MegaWomen Show: The Fundamentals of Good Leadership
Dr. Marina Mclean with special guest Dr. Veronica Cochran
MegaWomen Show: How Can We End Violence Against Women
Dr. Marina McLean with special guest Jan Langbein
Mega Women: Music's Healing Powers
Dr. Marina McLean with Special Guest Cheryl Boggs
MegaWomen Show: Finding Purpose After The Loss Of A Loved One
Dr. Marina McLean with Special Guest Susan B. Mead
MegaWomen Show: Who Is Your Tribe
Dr. Marina McLean with special guest Krista Medlock
MegaWomen Show: Bringing Awareness to Domestic Violence
Dr. Marina McLean with special guest Valerie Kelso
MegaWomen Show: A Kingdom Strategist
Dr. Marina McLean with Special Guest Dr. Leah Vanterpool
MegaWomen Show : Cultural Elevation
Dr. Marina McLean with special guest Cheryl Roseborough
MegaWomen Show: A Mother's Journey
Dr. Marina McLean with Special Guest Jackie Hardy.
MegaWomen Show : Why Do You Need PR Support
Dr. Marina McLean with special guest Tiara Tucker
MegaWomen Show : Can You Have A Rose Without A Thorn?
Dr. Marina McLean with special guest D'Andra Simmons
MegaWomen Show : From Victim to Victor
Dr. Marina McLean with special guest Felicia Williams
MegaWomen Show: How Your Trial Can Lead To Peace, Passion, and Purpose
Dr. Marina McLean with special guest Karla Mingo
MegaWomen : Balancing Passion, Ministry, and Your Personal Life
Dr. Marina McLean with special guest Andrea Williams
MegaWomen - Should The Church Use AI
Dr. Marina McLean with special guest Dr. Noemi Oliver, discussing the use of AI in the church.
MegaWomen Show: Deciphering Your Dreams
Dr. Marina McLean with special guest Dr. Barbie Breathitt
MegaWomen - Outlandish Love
Dr. Marina McLean with special guest Mary Hollingsworth.